Commodore’s Celebration was Festive and Fun

Front row L to R: Al Lehman, Emory and Deb Heisler, Martin Lorch, Tia Renshaw, Mike Yarnell, Dennis Lynde. Back row L to R: Joe Motil, Bob Naylor, Bruce Andress, George Sheller, Dave Nowak, Marshall Williamson.
Photos by Heidi Williamson

By Deb Heisler

On Saturday, May 11, nearly 80 attendees created a festive atmosphere filled with reminiscent chatter about the past year’s successes, blunders, and events. As guests arrived, they enjoyed cocktails and socializing before dinner, then settled in for the program, which included volunteer recognition, awards, and the “changing of the guard.”

This year, we had 13 Past Commodores in attendance. In the featured photo above and flanking our new Commodore Martin Lorch are Deb and Emory Heisler to his left and Tia Renshaw and Mike Yarnell to his right. These two couples are unique in that each served as AYC Commodores.

After the picture above was taken, Dennis Lynde quickly reminded us that this year marks his 50th year in AYC. That’s impressive! We were unaware of and unprepared for this recognition, so Marshall presented Dennis with an extra drink token, and he was happy with that. Sailors!

In years gone by, it was a fairly common practice to run the five-year chain as a “Flag Officer,” beginning as Rear and advancing through to Sr. Staff Commodore. Deb Heisler just completed this run, and after this year’s term, Bob Naylor will follow suit. Marshall is also on this track. Thank you for your dedicated service on the AYC Board of Directors.

Among the deserving and noteworthy awardees were:

  • Tony Chapman – Granted Distinguished Life Membership for his outstanding service to AYC, specifically for taking on the position of Club Treasurer for the past 20 years, which means he served on the AYC BOD for equal years.
  • Joanne Aspinall Volunteer Service Award: For her continuous volunteer service including, but certainly not limited to, Co-Chairing the 2023 Birthday Regatta, 2024 and 2025 BDR Chair, Annual Campout organizer 2022-24, and often serving as a photographer and article contributor.
  • Bob Naylor Sportsmanship Award: Bob is everywhere, always helping anyone with boats or life and seldom caring about winning (check the scoresheets). He embraces the attributes of good sportsmanship, fairness, integrity, and Corinthian values. He cares deeply about safety and getting young sailors into our club and on the water by continuously engaging with the ASU Sailing Team. Bob promotes FUN and always makes us laugh. He also likes to buy beer and donuts!
  • Jen Lee AYC Club Champion for a 3rd consecutive year. Jen competed as the defending champion this year.
  • John Tapernaux ASF Heavy Lifting Award for serving as the ASF Fleet Manager and going above and beyond for the ASF Community Sailing Programs.
  • Ray SallaAYC Wayne Jason Tucker Award for Most Improved Junior Sailor. Ray loves to help others learn how to sail, demonstrates advanced control and sailing skills, and even helps with classes he is not a part of.
  • Devon Howe Turned Turtle Award, presented by last year’s recipient Sean Kenealy to recognize Devon’s capsizing of an MC Scow at Lake Pleasant during the Governor’s Cup Regatta. The boat remained “turned turtle” overnight.

After the awards and recognition, Emory Heisler led the Blunder Bucket nominations, which included ribbing for broken car windows, forgotten sails, rudders, and centerboards, and one for a boat hitting the RC boat at LP resulting in a large hole in the hull. (Marshall was at the helm!). After calculating the crowd’s response, it came down to a tie between Marshall and Fay Powell. Emory called for the usual tiebreaker, and once the deafening applause and shouts died down, Fay took the lead, with the beautiful Blunder Bucket receiving a new home.

Dave Nowak made the nomination, and Devon Howe passed the Bucket on to Fay Powell.

As witness Dave Nowak explained, the blunder occurred while camping at the Birthday Regatta. Some wild burros wandered into their camp, and Fay, thinking they were cute, fed them some oranges. She then went back into their trailer and came out with leftover cake. As Fay started to feed the wild animals this junk food, a rather upset park ranger appeared out of the dark, flashlight in hand. The ranger chastised Fay for several minutes about how feeding wildlife is prohibited, especially cake! It was a genuine blunder deemed worthy of the trophy.

2023-24 Board of Directors: L to R Row 1: Olivia Jackman, Will Nowak, Tony Chapman, Martin Lorch, Deb Heisler, Marshall Williamson. Row 2: Joe Motil, Bob Naylor, Bruce Andress, Ed Scheletsky. Not present: Mike Ferring.

Next, Marshall Williamson called the 2023-24 board up, thanking each for their commitment and contributions to the club over the past year, and presenting them with a gift of appreciation. Afterward, former Commodore George Sheller was introduced to lead the new officer installation. George relieved the outgoing board members and welcomed the new. He then recognized Marshall for his leadership as Commodore. Among with all the duties of being Commodore, Marshall kept the Lake Pleasant after-race social going and negotiated the deal to get sailors aboard a Catalina 37 on Lake Pleasant. Marshall was then presented with his Past Commodore flag and an AYC Grill Master apron before being relieved of his command. Thank you, Marshall!

The returning board members welcome Sean Kenealy as Secretary, Tyler Pace – CPA, as Treasurer, Rachael Kennett as Membership Director, Court Roberts as Rear Commodore, and Devon Howe as Vice Commodore. Welcome aboard!

George welcomed new Commodore Martin Lorch up front for some poking and joking that included a story about how Martin’s return to the board was due to him drawing the short straw on a ski trip with Emory and Marshall a few years back. Only after Martin picked a straw did they disclose that all the straws were short! Martin last served as Commodore in 1993-94. Our celebration ended after Martin accepted his new duties as Commodore while receiving the Commodore Flag, took the mic to share his plans for the year, and thanked everyone for attending.

Lastly, our club could not function without the help of its members. You may have served on the Race Committee, helped with special regattas and social events, or pitched in with ASF. THANK YOU! You are the wind in our sails.

It’s been another outstanding year for AYC and ASF! View more photos on SmugMug by clicking here.